Top Three Lower Back Pain Reliefs

Lower back pain

Lower back pain

Lower back pain relief is an important issue and much sought after by people who are suffering from it.  However, in order to find relief to back pain, the cause of the pain must be discovered.  Different types and causes of back pain exist and they can all be treated using various methods. To understand this better we have to analyze the type, causes and treatment of back pain in detail.

The first type of back pain is known as referred lower back pain which affects the lower back area. However, it can affect all other areas of the body.  What causes this pain is the deteriorating disc and damages to the muscle ligaments and tendons. In order to get referred lower back pain relief, the first thing to do is to use medications, followed by physical therapy which will help the whole body to become stronger, and then the back needs enough rest which can be obtained by stretching on daily basis.  Apart from the mentioned treatment, sufferers can also get lower back pain relief by using cold and hot packs.  The cold packs should be applied first so that it can reduce any inflammation in the affected area, after which the hot pack can be applied so as to relax the muscles.

The second one is the axial back pain which is situated at the lower back and affects that area only.  It is also caused by damages to the muscles and deteriorating disc.  Axial lower back pain relief is achieved by taking appropriate rest. Cold and hot packs can also be applied to the affected area just like the one mentioned above. Exercises are also a good form of lower back pain relief which are help to stretch the affected area.  Pain medications, physical therapy and using topical rubs for the pain are all other forms of treatment for axial back pain which will reduce the pain considerably.

The third type of back pain is the radicular which is caused by pressures applied to the nerves of the spine.  The pains can move from the lower back to the legs. Radicular lower back pain relief is possible by using medication, physical therapy and surgery when the pain becomes excessive or difficult to bear. This is the last option for lower back pain relief and should only be carried out if the health and fitness level of the patient are good enough.

Back pain is common to people everywhere and using the lower back pain relief methods mentioned above will really help to minimise the pains.  The most common type of back pain is the axial pain which will always come on and off from time to time.  People who always work hard daily experience this on regular basis.  The referred back pain is caused more often than not by injuries.  Radicular back pain is caused by damaged to the disc which can also be painful.  Any or all of the treatments mentioned above can be combined to provide effective relief.  There is no need to get discouraged if one form of treatment does not work out as expected, another method can be tried or better still combined to make it work faster.

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