Neck Pain Relief Roanoke Chiropractor – Dr Christopher Lauria

This is a guest post from Dr Christopher Lauria of Lifestyle Wellness Center

A recent New York Times article reveal the results of a study in the annals of medicine that show the effectiveness of chiropractic care and exercises for neck pain. The study results show how these treatments are far more effective than medication for this condition. The article can be viewed  here.

The reason why chiropractic care is so effective is that a common cause of neck pain is from misaligned vertebrae. These misaligned bones can pinch and irritate the nerves that exit in between each vertebra. These nerves run to all the muscles and tissue in the area surrounding the nerves. This condition is exactly what chiropractors are trained to correct. This condition not only causes neck pain but can also lead to back pain, headaches, fibromyalgia and sciatica.

If you suffer from neck pain is very important to find out the cause of the problem. A complete evaluation will help to determine the cause of the problem. At Lifestyle Wellness Center this evaluation includes full computerized electrocardiography testing. This will measure the specific areas of muscle tightness and asymmetry. Computerized thermography will determine areas of nerve irritation. Range of motion testing is also important in determine the cause of the problem. Finally neck X-rays will be taken to look for spinal misalignment and any areas of spinal degeneration.

These tests will be studied to determine the cause of the problem and if it is a chiropractic case. If it is a course of treatment including chiropractic adjustments, exercise and lifestyle changes will be recommended. Each care plan is set up with regular reexaminations to make sure the problem is being corrected. Post xrays are usually done at the end of the program to determine if the problem is fixed.

If  you are suffering from neck pain act now. Do not waste time treating your symptoms with dangerous over the counter medications. Get a complete evaluation of your neck to determine the cause by a chiropractor.

At Lifestyle Wellness Center we offer a Free Initial Evaluation to individuals who respond to this website. Just fill out the form on the website and you will be called or call out office at 540-725-9501 to set up your first visit.

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